Tuesday, 23 August 2022 06:08

Sole Power can charge devices step by step

For many people, the biggest problem with their cellphones is that they lose a charge too quickly.

So imagine if recharging were as easy as going for a walk.

Science is working on that. It's likely that devices that will generate power via your shoes, a backpack, even your clothing are only a few years away from the marketplace.
Published in other News
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 18:00

Sole Power can charge devices step by step

For many people, the biggest problem with their cellphones is that they lose a charge too quickly.

So imagine if recharging were as easy as going for a walk.

Science is working on that. It's likely that devices that will generate power via your shoes, a backpack, even your clothing are only a few years away from the marketplace.
Published in News Events

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