Import 3D Scan & Printing Tech-Craft Improve Our Service Quality And Efficiency

星期二, 23 8月 2022 06:09 作者

Since importing 3d scan tech and 3d printing tech into our development and production, we had imporved our efficiency and quality with our customer service. 

3d scan tech: by contrasting with traditional tech (use precise rul to measure the product and build 2d drawing on computer, and then build 3d drawing according to 2d drawing), 3d scan tech has its talented advantages:

  • faster and preciser, with the machine's help, we can scan the product or project in few minutes and, with this our desinger and build more precise 3d drawing(tolerance around 0.2mm) very quickly
  • the data especially some key datas are much more precise than previous ones
  • after 3d drawing building, the designer can compare with the original product, see where and how much the difference is
  • cost is cut down
  • we can show customer directly even without any extra explanation, as customers can see it clearlly too

Before this, we use wooden mould as prototype, but now we can use plastic and other materials in 3d printing machine, just need to import 3d drawing file into the machine. Then the machine can help us print the module very precisely. We can cut donw the period and the 3d module is more durable than current wooden mould. 

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