Pressure on foot are different when different status of the foot activities, we will tell you how much pressure on foot when standing /  walking / running / jumping.

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Measuring arch height is a way to characterize foot shape and foot structure; it is also a means to compare these characteristics between a sitting and a standing position. To measure arch height the patient first sits in a chair and places their feet on the ground. Two boards are placed under the heel and the metatarsal heads to allow for maximum collapse of the arch.

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Measuring arch height is a way to characterize foot shape and foot structure; it is also a means to compare these characteristics between a sitting and a standing position. To measure arch height the patient first sits in a chair and places their feet on the ground. Two boards are placed under the heel and the metatarsal heads to allow for maximum collapse of the arch.

Published in Aybroad Blogs

Pressure on foot are different when different status of the foot activities, we will tell you how much pressure on foot when standing /  walking / running / jumping.

Published in Aybroad Blogs