Tuesday, 23 August 2022 06:09

Heel Pain

Fast facts about heel pain:

  • Heel pain is usually felt either under the heel or just behind it.
  • Pain typically starts gradually, with no injury to the affected area. It is often triggered by wearing a flat shoe.
  • In most cases the pain is under the foot, towards the front of the heel.
  • Home care such as rest, ice, proper-fitting footwear and foot supports are often enough to ease heel pain.
Published in other Blogs
Monday, 06 August 2018 08:02

Heel Pain

Fast facts about heel pain:

  • Heel pain is usually felt either under the heel or just behind it.
  • Pain typically starts gradually, with no injury to the affected area. It is often triggered by wearing a flat shoe.
  • In most cases the pain is under the foot, towards the front of the heel.
  • Home care such as rest, ice, proper-fitting footwear and foot supports are often enough to ease heel pain.
Published in Aybroad Blogs

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