Friday, 23 September 2022 09:32

IMF cuts global growth forecast to 3.2%

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its latest World Economic Outlook report on Tuesday, lowering its forecast for global economic growth in 2022 to 3.2%. The report also said that due to the impact of the new crown epidemic and epidemic prevention measures, China's economy has slowed down more than expected, and the International Monetary Fund has therefore lowered its full-year growth forecast to 3.3%.

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Friday, 23 September 2022 09:26

IMF cuts global growth forecast to 3.2%

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its latest World Economic Outlook report on Tuesday, lowering its forecast for global economic growth in 2022 to 3.2%. The report also said that due to the impact of the new crown epidemic and epidemic prevention measures, China's economy has slowed down more than expected, and the International Monetary Fund has therefore lowered its full-year growth forecast to 3.3%.

Published in News Events

In the past few months, during the outbreak of the epidemic in China, a large number of manufacturing orders were transferred to Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Many people have come to the conclusion that Vietnam has robbed China of its status as the world's factory. But a closer look at the foreign trade data of China and Vietnam may lead to another conclusion.

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In the past few months, during the outbreak of the epidemic in China, a large number of manufacturing orders were transferred to Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Many people have come to the conclusion that Vietnam has robbed China of its status as the world's factory. But a closer look at the foreign trade data of China and Vietnam may lead to another conclusion.

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The trade war that U.S. President Donald Trump started will profoundly reshape the global economy. We need to be prepared for it. Here’s a brief description of the transformational forces unleashed by the trade war and what they may wrought in the future.

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The trade war that U.S. President Donald Trump started will profoundly reshape the global economy. We need to be prepared for it. Here’s a brief description of the transformational forces unleashed by the trade war and what they may wrought in the future.

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