Martes, 23 Agosto 2022 06:10

Latex Foam [material]

Synthetic latex is a man-made molecular copy of natural latex. The scientific name for this compound is Styrene-Butadiene (SBR).

Styrene is named for “styrax”, the resin from a Turkish tree. Low levels of styrene occur naturally in many kinds of plants as well as a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables & nuts.

Butadiene is produced by dehydration of butane obtained from petroleum. Butadiene is also used in the manufacture of latex paints and nylon fibers used in rope and clothing.

Synthetic Latex is extremely uniform at the molecular level, so sleep products will have greater durability than those made solely with Natural Latex. However, what you gain in durability you lose in feel and sleep benefits as compared to Natural Latex.

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