As many of our customers, such as shoes factories, needs someone help them to finish a whole project, based on this point we offer kinds of service to meet theirs requests and demands. Our professional designers, experienced salesman, skillful production manager will be glad to work with customers to develop the projects as they need any time, and help decide the most optimum solutions.

In order to improve the efficiency and achieve goals in short as possible, we should work together and exchange ideas based on completely trust, as sometimes very important and sensitive information maybe regarded.

We can offer customer these in project assistance:

  1. new production design / recommendation
  2. molds opening and suggestion
  3. best material options
  4. cost accounting
  5. feasibility study / optimization advice

Business Hour

OFFICE (emails available 7*24)

Mon ~ Fri   8AM - 8PM


Mon ~ Sat   8AM - 8PM

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