Affected by the Chinese balloon intrusion into the US airspace, the US Department of Commerce announced on Friday (10th) that 6 Chinese entities were included in the trade blacklist, including: 5 companies and 1 research institution.

Published in News Events

So far,  the usa government did not cancel the 301 sanction and extra tariff to the goods which are imported from China.

Published in Aybroad Blogs

The trade war that U.S. President Donald Trump started will profoundly reshape the global economy. We need to be prepared for it. Here’s a brief description of the transformational forces unleashed by the trade war and what they may wrought in the future.

Published in other Blogs

The trade war that U.S. President Donald Trump started will profoundly reshape the global economy. We need to be prepared for it. Here’s a brief description of the transformational forces unleashed by the trade war and what they may wrought in the future.

Published in Aybroad Blogs

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